East Wing presents The Perfect Crime at Paris Photo

“The perfect crime has no victim, no criminal, no clues… the artist is also close to the perfect crime…. But he runs away from it and his work is the trace of his criminal imperfection… the artist is the one who resists with all his might the fundamental urge not to leave traces”.

Jean Baudrillard, Paroxysm: Le Crime Parfait.

Presenting a series of works composed of intriguing narratives, East Wing asks audiences to become complicit in the ultimate crime of illusion. The artists exhibited employ photography to negotiate their questions, beliefs and ideas about reality. Using fiction, contrasted with the optical precision of the camera the images introduce authentic moments where illusion is not recognized as such, but as an alternative or re-visit of reality. The sense of play and blurring of boundaries resoundingly reflect a current fascination with spectacle.

Paris Photo 2015

Paris Photo 2015